Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad

With despair rising even among many of John McCain’s own advisors, influential Republicans inside and outside his campaign are engaged in an intense round of blame-casting and rear-covering—-much of it virtually conceding that an Election Day rout is likely.

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ACLU: 2/3 of US population lives in 'Constitution-free zone'

Nine out of the top ten US cities and two thirds of the country's population lives in a "Constitution-free zone," according to a new campaign by the ACLU.

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Barbara West, Biden Interviewer: Her Husband is a GOP Flack!

Joe Biden got asked some questions from Orlando WFTV reporter Barbara West on Thursday that where completely false. Biden: "Are you joking? Is this is a joke? Or is that a real question?" Turns out that her husband, Wade West, is a media consultant for Republican politicians!

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